Access the platform#

A user is able to connect to the platform in either of the following ways: by accessing it from a local deployment or by accessing from a remote deployment or using the Remote Desktop Connection application.

Access from a local deployment#

The local deployment of the platform is done on the same machine where the user is accessing the platform.

  1. Open a local browser and go to the following URL:

  2. If the browser displays a warning about an insecure connection, click Continue to site.

  3. Log in with the credentials provided during the deployment (admin/admin by default).

Access from a remote deployment#

The remote deployment of the platform is done on a different machine than the one from where the user is accessing the platform.

  1. Add or update the following entries in your local machine’s hosts file. Note that this is done only the first time the platform has been deployed.


    For accessing the platform deployed on the remote machine, your IT administrator should provide you with the values noted in the previous section.

    • The values of <hostname> and <domain_name> can be found in the .env file located at the root directory.

    • The IP address <vm_ip> can be found by running the command ipconfig in the terminal of the machine where the platform is deployed.

    <vm_ip> keycloak.<hostname>.<domain_name>
    <vm_ip> oauth.<hostname>.<domain_name>
    <vm_ip> portal.<hostname>.<domain_name>
    <vm_ip> traefik.<hostname>.<domain_name>
    <vm_ip> solutions.<hostname>.<domain_name>
  2. Open a local browser and go to the following URL:

  3. If the browser displays a warning about an insecure connection, click Continue to site.

  4. Log in with the credentials provided during the deployment (admin/admin by default).

Access through a Remote Desktop Connection#

  1. Open the Remote Desktop Connection application on your local machine.

  2. Log in to the machine where the platform is deployed.

  3. Open a browser and go to the following URL:

  4. If the browser displays a warning about an insecure connection, click Continue to site.

  5. Log in with the credentials (admin/admin by default).